Chelmsford Model Flying Association
| the Essex model
flying club . . . |
. |
Site . . . .
to the Chelmsford Model Flying Association web site.
We hope you will find all the information you need about the club,
however should you have any questions regarding the website or other
information on it, please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate
club official on the contacts page. |
CMFA Club Night
Great Waltham Village Hall
Visit Events Page
for more details

Local Weather
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British Model Flying Association . . . .
BMFA is the body delegated by the
Royal Aero Club
to be responsible for all aspects of model flying in Great Britain. The
normally has around 780 clubs
affiliated to it, with a combined
membership from clubs and individual members of over 36,000. Membership
brings many benefits, including 3rd party liability insurance of up to £5
million. The BMFA is also recognised as the sole representative
organisation for the sport in the U.K. by the
Aeronautique Internationale
(FAI) which is the world
wide governing body for all forms of sporting aviation, including model
flying. (Click on logo for more information) |
Events For 2025 . . . .
During the year the club tries to hold various events either at the
airfield, or at the monthly club meetings. Regular club nights are
held at the Boreham Village Hall every 2nd Wednesday of the
month, except June, July, and August when members meet at the club
flying field on every 2nd Thursday of the month for a social chat,
flying, and weather permitting the occasional barbeque All events are
subject to weather conditions.
For more information visit the Events page on this web site. |
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. . . .
If you wish to join the
Chelmsford Model Flying Association, please visit the
membership page of this web site. Click on the links on the membership
page to download, print off, and then complete the 2025 membership
form, and membership joining letter. Membership is limited to 150
although there may be exceptions for new juniors joining or if the
applicant is not a member of another model flying club. If you are a
junior member you will also need to download the 'Junior Membership
Disclaimer' form. |
Fun Day Sunday May 12th 2013 . . . .
On Sunday May 12th, the
largest organised event in the history of the Chelmsford Model Flying
Association took place at the clubs Roxwell flying field. The Fun Day was
held in association with the Essex Air Ambulance, and a donation from the
proceeds was presented to this worthy life saving charity. The event which
was well attended attracted a good mix of public, both young and old, along
with a very impressive flying display by club members and invited guests
the crowds were entertained throughout the day. For more details and to
view photos of the Fun Day event, please click on the image. |
FunBat Extravaganza . . . .
CMFA members have taken to building the FunBat combat plane. The easy to
build models are cut from sheets of EPP Depron and are very forgiving,
most major repairs can be done with a suitable adhesive (UHU Por or
alternative) and glass strand clear tape. For more details including a
CMFA members photo gallery, and video on the FunBat, please click on the image. |
CMFA Photo
Gallery . . . .
photo on the right is of former club member Dave Ross seen here with
his scratch built 1950's style 'Bootlace' American racer. The 54" wing
span is superbly finished in yellow covering with red & black stripes and
has a .46 two stroke up front. The maiden flight was a great success with
very little trimming needed. To view more than 400
images of club members and there models visit the extensive photo gallery
on this web site. If you have any recent
photos of aircraft models taken at the airfield and would like them
featured on the gallery please email them to me. Please do not crop or
resize your photos thank you. Click on image to view photo gallery.
Email: Webmaster at |
Competition Results . . . .
Throughout the year some club members participate in various fixed wing
aircraft competitions, including Climb & Glide, Fast & Slow, and the fast
and furious Pylon racing. All CMFA members are welcome,
dates can be found on the Events page of this web site.
Results of club competitions can now be found on the results page of this
web site by clicking
Here |
Committee Members & Club Officials. . . .
Chairman: Richard
Vice Chairman: Steve Hyde
Secretary: Andrew Wing
Treasurer: Brian Stratton
Web Master: Peter Harrington
Power Representative: Jack Palfrey
Training Co-ordinators: Trevor Smith
Helicopter Representative: Darren Patel
Safety Representatives: Clive Kerr
Glider Representative: Vacant
Recognised Club
Instructors . . . .
Trevor Smith, Gary
Nunn, Sean O'Sullivan, Steve Vickers, Steve Hyde, Colin Straus, & Gary Cooper.
only Dave Saban
BMFA Examiners . . . .
Gary Nunn, Trevor
Smith, Sean
O'Sullivan, Steve Riley, and Colin Straus |
Child & Vulnerable Adult
Protection Policy . . . .
A junior
member is
defined as being less than 18 years of age.
A vulnerable
adult is
defined as a person of 18 years of age or over but through mental or
physical attributes requires a higher level of supervision than would be
normally necessary for an adult member.
A responsible
adult is
defined as a senior member or parent/guardian who has the clearance,
experience, knowledge and training commensurate with the type and degree
of supervision required.
The club recognises the need for sensible measures to
ensure the safety of children and vulnerable adults whilst taking part in
the sport. To that end, the club has adopted the BMFA policy for the
protection of children and vulnerable adults, and that policy is available
on the BMFA website at
In accordance with the policy, the club has appointed its
Chairman , Gary Nunn as club Welfare Officer within the meaning of the
BMFA policy.
Chelmsford Model Flying Association fully accepts:-
Its legal and moral obligations to provide a duty of care
to protect all children and vulnerable adults and safeguard their
welfare irrespective of age, disability, gender and sexual identity,
race or religious belief (Children’s Act 1989 and 2004 and the
Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Act 2003).
Chelmsford Model
Flying Association is
committed to ensuring that:-
All suspicions and allegations of poor practice or abuse
will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately, as
whilst it is the responsibility of child protection authorities/experts
to determine whether or not abuse has taken place, it is everyone’s
responsibility to report concerns.
High standards of behaviour and practice in compliance
with the BMFA Code of Practice on Club Welfare and Child Protection are
established within the club environment at all times.
Any club member participating in “regulated activity”
will be carefully selected, informed about their responsibilities and
provided with guidance and/or training for good practice and child
protection procedures.
Model Flying Association will
strive to ensure that all members understand and accept their
responsibilities and work together, including parents, juniors,
instructors, volunteers and club officers.
The following rules set out the means of implementing the
BMFA policy for Chelmsford
Model Flying Association.
No child or vulnerable adult shall undertake any activity
which might place him or her at risk. In any event prior consultation
with their parent, guardian or carer must take place if there is any
doubt on the member’s abilities to undertake a specific activity.
No senior member of the club is to be expected to assume
responsibility for a child or a vulnerable adult.
It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to
supervise any child or vulnerable adult at all times or to appoint a
responsible adult to do so on their behalf.
The club will not accept responsibility for appointing a
responsible adult, nor will it make any recommendations about an
individual’s suitability for that appointment.
Notwithstanding the requirements of the previous
paragraph, should a member discover a child or vulnerable adult that is
unsupervised then he/she must assume responsibility for that person’s
safety in the first instance. They should never assume this role as an
individual and should immediately involve at least one other senior
member of the club while the matter is being resolved. The situation
should then be rectified as soon as possible by seeking out the parent,
guardian, carer or nominated supervisor. Any instance of such an
occurrence is to be reported to the club committee as soon as possible
and a record made of the occurrence. The club will then contact the
parent or guardian and inform them that should a similar situation arise
again, the committee will consider terminating club membership for the
child or vulnerable adult.
Whilst associating with children or vulnerable adults at
the flying field, members should avoid placing themselves in a position
that could be open to misinterpretation or question in accordance with
BMFA policy. Remember, the policy is there to protect you as well as
children and vulnerable adults.
The club rules state that the child or vulnerable adult
must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or someone who has written
authority to bring the junior to the site and supervise them. They must
accompany the junior members at all times. A copy of the written
authority must be lodged with the HDMAC Secretary/Welfare officer and
will be retained for future records.
Should any member, parent, guardian, carer or the person
themselves have concerns about the welfare of children or vulnerable
adults then he or she is to contact the club Welfare Officer or one of
the help lines listed in the BMFA policy.
members are required to respect the rights and dignity of children and
vulnerable adults and to promote their welfare. Caring is largely a
matter of common sense provided everyone is clear on what is expected of
them and a few simple principles are adhered to. It is not a
responsibility to be feared but is, nevertheless, essential if we are to
ensure that we are to be a club that offers opportunities for all.
A Lifetime Modelling - By Brian
members at the CMFA will recognise the
familiar face of long serving club member, and modelling expert, Brian
Austin who has recently published a book on a lifetime of modelling. The book, which contains 256 pages and spans 60 years from 1950 - 2010,
took Brian approximately 18 months to write. The book contains many images
throughout plus many interesting articles on the CMFA. The book can be
purchased from Brian direct at a cost of £15 + £1.50 P & P. Telephone:
01245 320587 Email: |

Chelmsford Guide |
Local Model Shops . . . .
for a local Model shop, then look no further. Click on the logo and visit
the links page of this web site where you will find a selection of model
shops used by many of the CMFA members. Discounts or price match available
in selective shops to CMFA members. (Club
membership card may be required) |
© Chelmsford Model Flying Association 2022 |